This week my husband called me out on something and when he did I was not too happy. But the more God has had me marinating on it.....I realize it is actually very important. Funny how God does that.
Then I was in the College Sunday School class and that was when I knew I needed to be obedient and write about it.
Today the first verse we read in class was:
Proverbs 12:1 To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction.
Then as we opened the book and Luke 16:10 was written:
If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.
When we started this ministry and I had to write my first report for the judge, I was given this advice "only the facts and no personal inflection".
The other day Rob called me out on a text. He said "that's not how it read". He was correct, I put my own inflection in it because I was already upset about something else and the text just set me off.
So instead of just stating the facts, I added inflection. Then Rob said "words mean things". I will paraphrase the rest of the conversation as I now see it today: by adding inflection when telling someone what someone else said or even wrote, adds a lack of trust that you are telling the truth in other situations.
I was upset when he was telling me this and then he brought up the verse Luke 16:10, and he paraphrased it " if you can't be trusted with the little, how can you be trusted with the bigger things?"
I have heard this verse for many years and always thought it meant: money due to the next verse in Luke. Luke 16:11, states
And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?
But the more God convicted me of trust and words; the more I started praying for my own sin.
So something that was not meant for harm, the inflection I put into the text made it sound like the person was being vindictive. So if this had gone unchecked, think about the consequences that could have happened. Consequences could be as simple as a cold shoulder towards this person by my husband, to calling this person out. Which brings me to the next verse
Luke 16:12
And if you are not faithful with other people’s things, why should you be trusted with things of your own?
What things? Words, character, integrity just to name a few.
So why make this public? Because sin is sin and breaks your relationship with others but more importantly God.
And I want to be transparent that even socially acceptable sins, are sins and breaks God's heart. And as I want to live a transformed life I want to be obedient to Gods leading and nudging.
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