This last week our Pastor taught on the creating of Eve for Adam. The joke was that God was a good God because he brought Adam a naked wife. He also stated some more serious statements like Eve was made out of Adams RIB not his foot bone to be less than and not from the head to be grater than....
But the RIB to fit into. We are a helper, helpmate or are we?
Many times I think we get into marriage thinking we are in love but in reality it's an infatuation. The word love gets used too frequently these days by young teens and young adults. In my opinion the word LOVE has become diluted to mean: today, I will do what you ask and be with you but when something better comes along, I'll see ya later. When that "better" comes along; then all the faults that were there to begin with that you accepted, now become reasons you can't "love" them anymore.
This last week I watched a movie by Tyler Perry called "Temptation". I won't tell you the whole story line but the main part I want to point out is how we get complacent in our (in this case) marriage, and we take each other for granted. We forget what each others love languages are, we forget what makes them laugh, we forget what makes them happy, we forget what makes them ALIVE. And we forget who we are, then one day someone or something gets introduced into our lives and we realize how unhappy we are.
There are a few reasons for complacency:
- We grew up together and it becomes just a part of our daily routine
- We get into a routine and just think the other person will always be there
- The other person will take my crap because he/she married me
And the list could go on and on....but the truth is complacency and taking your marriage and your husband/ wife as an individual for granted is just what Satan wants.
So here are a few practical ways to get out of the "routine" of marriage
- Be spontaneous, now this will be hard if you have a Type A, Choleric, super first, or first born personality....and spouse if are married to that type of personality then you may have to modify your spontaneity.
- Be intentional
- Make sure your spouse feels appreciated
- Don't talk to everyone about your spouse and their shortcoming
- If you don't know what your and your spouses love language is find out:
- Now that you know both know, do out though your natural action will be to do the love language that you are
- Talk, uninterrupted talk....put away the electronics, shut the TV off and talk.
- Go for a walk
- If you can afford it, get away to a place where there is no TV, Internet, or cell service.
- What did you used to do when you first met and had no money but at the end of the evening you were full because you truly cared for the person you had just spent the past hours with
- Add your own:
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