This morning I saw a post that said:
Being single is much better than being
lied to
Cheated on
And disrespected
That post made me say "thank you to my creator". Because on a daily basis IF we are honest with ourselves we
And disrespect Him
How do we lie?
We go to church on Sunday and have a great time and during communion we say "yes God this week will be better.... I will rely on you for strength to say no to my sinful desires that still hold me in bondage and yes to more time in the Word with You Lord guiding me"
And Monday night comes, the phone rings, and you hear God saying, " you promised it would be You and me tonight". Looking at your Bible sitting next to the chair, you whisper, don't understand I've been waiting for this________________ for a long time. You close the door and walk away, and into.....
The desires of me are so strong when I am going it alone. I know Lord I said, no more clothes, no more make up, no more buying ___________ to make me feel good, but God, don't you understand how good this will make me feel......
How is this cheating? Anything we put before God to find our self an idol.... And that is a no no...
God made you and me. We disrespect HIM and HIS love for us when we try EVERYTHING: sex, drugs, money, clothes, cars, houses,work, ________________, for our happiness.
But why do I have to say thank you even though I do these things: because HE still would rather be in relationship with me than be single.
Now here is the disclaimer:
God blatantly asks that when we choose to become a follower that we do some heart change. So these things: lying, cheating and being disrespectful are no longer a lifestyle. We do not choose to live this way any longer because we have a new focus. But as I have said before Satan and sin is beautiful, it has to be, to be enticing, BUT the aftermath is not so pretty. So remember this:
Romans 12:2 don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.
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