My heart breaks as I read statuses, as I look at photos, and read replies.
"Oh, how dare they, they can't do that."
"Oh, don't the both of you look cute".
"Oh what a beautiful child, I am so proud and happy for you".
"Don't they know how much I need a job".
"She'll get hers, I can promise you that".
Following what you want in life is called following the desires of our sinful nature.
Some of the things we do when we are following the world, friends, the crowds, latest fads or trends or when our go to behavior only has our personal satisfaction as its best interest, these following examples can be the result:
sexual immorality: immoral is defined as deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong. So put the word sexual in front of that then you have: deliberately violating sexually accepted principles of right and wrong.
impurity: the quality of being corrupt, no longer being pure
lustful pleasures: lustful is defined as having or showing strong feelings of sexual desire. Pleasure is defined as a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment. So lustful pleasures is defined as: having or showing strong feelings of sexual desire and getting satisfaction and enjoyment from it.
idolatry: the act of showing respect and love for something and placing it into a higher place even over yourself.
sorcery: exercising supernatural powers through the aid of evil spirits; black magic; witchery.
hostility: an unfriendly attitude or action
quarreling: to have an angry argument or disagreement
jealousy: resentment against a rival, or against a person enjoying success.
outbursts of anger: a sudden release of a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
selfish ambition: to only look out and think about oneself.
dissension: strong disagreement
division: the act of separating into parts
envy: a feeling of discontented because you want someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.
drunkenness: the state of being intoxicated
wild parties: out of control, amazingly out of this world get together's
When we follow the desires of our sinful nature, the results are very clear:
- Figuring out how to get out of jail
- Figuring out if the person/people that were with you are even still alive
- Trying to remember who you were with and what you did
- 6 weeks later either making the call or being on the receiving end of the call: "I'm having a baby" or "you're going to be a father".
- Living up to what you did last weekend
- 9 months later realizing you are now responsible for this little person for the next 18 years
- Being controlled by demons and evil spirits
- Feeling unworthy
- Feeling dirty
- Doing illegal activity so you can have what you can't afford because you want what other people have
- Doing illegal activity just because you aren't willing to do the hard work it takes to make money, save money and provide for yourself and your family
To change, to quit making excuses takes a NEW BEHAVIOR and a NEW DESIRE.
It can be done, but it takes a will power to want to change.
Step 1:You have to first and foremost know who YOU are, and what YOU really want to be.
Step 2: Then you have to surround yourself with people that are like what you want to become.
Step 3: Then you have to repeat step one and two over and over again.
So why does my heart breaks?
Because I know that the people writing these statuses have more to offer this world.
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