Thursday, March 12, 2015

Makeup: covers up our shame and guilt, or does it?

As she walked into the room and took her seat you could sense there was no joy in her life.  She was allowing the shame and guilt of her past consume her. 

As the beauty consultant handed out the trays carefully filled with the evenings goodies, the mood was lightened with laughter and making of fun memories. 

 "Ooh this is warm.  Is this supposed to be warm?" Asked the mom as she washed her hands with the newly released product. 

The evening flew by as we learned which finger to use when applying foundations and make up correctly. The consultant did a fantastic job making us feel at home while making us look BEAUTIFUL...on the outside. 

We left that evening feeling like a million dollars because our outward look had been transformed, but our outward appearance can only take us so far. 

Shame and guilt trump makeup every time. I still remember thinking that if I just dressed up everyday, no jeans, no tennis shoes but heels, makeup and business professional clothing I would feel better about myself.  I wanted that million dollar feeling all day, every day.  

Changing our outward appearance without changing the inner person is a recipe for even more shame and guilt, when you realize your go to behavior is still the same. 

It was not until I changed my destructive go to behavior into a behavior that was filled with Gods unconditional love that my outward appearance and inward appearance were a mirror of joy; a radiant light the shines even on the gloomiest of days when I only want to wear sweatpants, a sweatshirt and tennis shoes. 

So many woman think that putting concealer under their eyes to illuminate that darkened area by covering it up, will change their lives.  I know this because I too was this woman for many years.  

It's time to come clean women with our junk that keeps us in bondage to thinking we are only worth the makeup we put on our face.  We need to find the true inner beauty that God so desperately wants to shine, His radiant cleanser called Jesus. 

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