Thursday, January 16, 2014

I don't care just love me

There was something about her that made me gravitate towards her.  Maybe it was the way she walked into the room: earbuds in trying not to care that she was different on the inside, or so she thought.

She had been thrown our like the trash by her mom and a return to sender label stuck to her forehead.

No one loves me- no one cares about me. I can't wait til I'm 18 and I can do what I want.

As the class bell rang; introductions were made, I started to speak.  For the next 45 minutes I spoke of my childhood, my low self- esteem, the meeting of my husband and how he became the person in my life that showed me how to make life happen instead of letting life happen.

The bell rang and the class got up to leave except for one.

The tears that were brimming threatening to break down the Dam, had now been open by the Army Corp of Engineers and the tears were flowing freely.

The low self-esteem with the need to be loved was a recipe for disaster. As she spoke, I realized the earbuds and "I am tough, don't care" attitude she came in with was just a wall of protection to get through the day. 

The bad part for me: I can only show her Gods kindness, love through actions.

I can't tell her that that emptiness, that void can only be filled by God.

We all want to be loved, needed, respected, fulfilled.

The problem is if our self- esteem and or self- confidence are low we will take whatever comes our way.

It's the old parenting adage, even negative attention is better than no attention at all.

God reminded me of this today:  if you are a believer in love, you don't always have to have a scripture to back it up.

Preach the Gospel at all times, use words if necessary.

  --  Saint Francis of Assisi 

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