Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Wanna Do It

"I wanna do it".

"I do it all by myself"

These are statements made by 2,3 and 4 year old as they get older and want to attempt simple acts like getting dressed or even feeding themselves.

When dealing with a group of people that my husband in his seminars* calls the "don'ts", we treat them as the "cant's" (another phrase my husband uses in his seminars).

Let me explain.

As your child grows up, you go from dressing them (because they CAN'T), to teaching them to dress themselves. "Left arm, right arm, left foot, right foot." Slowly you raise your child to become a  productive member of society.

Sometimes as parents we think its faster and easier just to do it for ourselves instead of allowing a child to finish a task we asked them to do, (this creates the group called WONT'S).

The challenge comes when we take this mentality into working with the population group called "DONT'S.

 "Relationship building" takes time, instead we just "DO".  We then make people, who really want to be taught, feel like charity cases, so therefore they become a "won't", because we do a good job at just giving instead of investing.

So next time you want want to give money or gifts....ask yourself... "What if I invested in this person through a relationship, would they be able to help themselves?"  If the answer is yes....then ask God what would he rather you do....walk with this person, or continue to throw money at the person?  Because your answer if you are a Christian comes with answering what would Jesus do?

Consider joining us this Saturday to become an accountability partner for a man, woman, or teen.... Who wants a relationship that is healthy to walk with them as they break free from destructive life cycles.

***for more information about the seminar called "Breaking the Broken" please contact****

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